Gta III:Hidden Island

Hello i am an gta fan who likes the series of games. So today i was browing the forums until i came across a cheat to go to an hidden island in gta 3. I was excited to try out this new cheat but at the same time i was suprised because i never heard of an hidden island in gta 3 but i have heard of the ghost town island but that was an cutscene template. So i went to the ghost town and entered the cheat. My player got teleported to an island way past the map limits. Just then i saw that the ground was blood red and the sky was black. Just then in the corner of my eye on the island i saw a tree covered with body parts. I turned away and nearly throwed up. I turned back to the game to see a text box saying your next and my player got wasted by beheading and realistic blood squirted out my players neck. Just then i heard A demonic voice in the game saying "John is done for" I realised the player was not claude speed, the player was me! I destroyed the gta iii disk and put the disk and the computer in the trash. If you come across this forum, dont use the cheat. You will be scarred for life.... Also i screenshotted the game